To prevent your web browser from exposing your Referring URL, also known as a 'Referrer Header', enable the Referring URL Protection feature on the Settings window. When this feature is on, websites will not be able to track you with cookies. Your web browser will not be able to store any cookies, which may prevent some websites from working.

Enabling Cookie Protection feature will block all cookies. This feature will speed up your web browsing, as fewer texts, images or videos from advertisements will load. When Ad Blocking is enabled, SafeIP will subscribe to a real-time database of advertisement websites and block them.

Enabling this feature protects from new threats, it does not scan your PC for current and past infections. The database for this feature is updated in real-time. When the Malware Protection feature is enabled, SafeIP will block a list of known malware, spam, and phishing sites. SafeIP also has the very useful features such as Malware Protection, Ads Blocking, Cookie Protection, Referring URL Protection, Browser ID Protection, WiFi and DNS Protection. Application translations available in multiple languages. Stop ads, cookies, and malware, while using our proprietary Browser Fingerprint anti-tracking technology. The automatic startup option will ensure your IP is protected at all times, even before your Internet connection starts. Easily select your preferred proxy IP location and change your IP at anytime any ip. You can change your IP proxy location, view your original IP address, and see a quick overview of which protection settings you have turned on. Surf Anonymous, Private, Secure, and Free, hide Your IP address, protect your online identity, and unblock Websites and Ads, and more with SafeIP.

Full Version with Crack & Patch Free Download is a free Internet privacy program for protecting your online identity and unblocking Ads and Websites. Full Version with Patch Free Download Crack Patch Keygen Portable Serial Key Licence Key Full Final Registered version Product key Activation Key Activation Code SafeIP 2.